"Three Step into" series of reports——The School Finance Office, Budget Review Center and the 2020 Class of Chemical Strong Foundation Program held a symposium

By |2021-09-17 11:22:00|Views ()

On the afternoon of September 16th, Xiang Huawei, director of the Budget Review Center, led a team to contact the class with the " Three Step into", and the student representatives of the 2020 class of chemistry strong foundation program of the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering held a seminar on the theme of "Listen to the difficulties of students and help them grow up all-round".


At the symposium, the monitor Guo Jiacong briefly introduced the source data of class students, class activities, student representatives and convection. Teacher Xiang Huawei introduced the purpose of the school's " Three Step into" action, and expressed his earnest hope and sincere attitude to solve problems for students. He said that for all the pain points and difficulties of students in their study and life, they can seek help from him and other teachers in the Finance Department and Budget Review Center, and they will do their best to deal with related problems within a reasonable range. The student representatives reported the current inconveniences exist in accommodation, funding and course arrangements. Teacher Hua Wei recorded the questions one by one, answered the confusions of the student representatives, and said that he would actively assist the students in solving the difficulties in study and life.