Embrace Youth, Chase the Future——The College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering holds the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2023

By |2023-06-03 08:26:00|Views ()


On the afternoon of June 3rd, the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2023 of the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering was held in the Academic Lecture Hall of the main university student activity center. The ceremony was attended by leaders from the college and the National Key Laboratory of Functional Organic Molecules Chemistry, directors of research institutes, teacher representatives, class advisors for the graduates, counselors, student parent representatives, and the graduating class of 2023. The ceremony was presided over by the Deputy Secretary of the College 's Party Committee, Jia Jing. 


The ceremony featured a graduation tribute video, allowing attendees, including both students and faculty, to collectively reminisce about the moments from the students' journey, from the beginning of their enrollment, through their studies, and during their growth. Each vivid moment that flickered across the screen captured the cherished memories of campus life and conveyed the vigor of their youthful endeavors. 


The undergraduate class teacher representative, Mr. Fang Jian, reminisced about the wonderful times shared between the faculty and students. He encouraged the graduates to face difficulties and setbacks with strength, embrace the favorable moments in life with confidence, and confront life's challenges with composure. He emphasized the importance of creating their own brilliance in the mundane aspects of life.The graduate advisor representative, Professor Zhang Haixia, extended her wishes to the graduating students, urging them to embark on their new journeys and take on new roles with a sense of duty to their homeland. She encouraged them to remain steadfast in their chosen paths, never procrastinate when it comes to learning, and strive to maintain inner happiness, peace, and warmth.



The undergraduate student representative, Yang Junjie, expressed deep respect to the dedicated teachers who nurtured the students and encouraged his fellow graduates to perceive failures in life in the right wayto overcome the lows in life and climb towards the peak of life with a strong heart, to persist through the storms until they see the rainbow. He also encourages the fellow graduates to continuously learn, enjoy work and life amidst competition and pressure, and reap growth and happiness. Postgraduate graduate representative Xie Huimin shared her precious friendship and unforgettable stories with her supervisor, and emphasized that it was Lanzhou University that forged her resilienceinspired her to maintain a constant commitment to learning and motivated her to always hold on to lofty ideals. 


The attending parents of the graduating students extended their blessings to the graduates. They expressed gratitude to the schoolthe college and the faculty for their meticulous nurturing of the students and wished the graduates health and happiness in their future endeavors. They encouraged the graduates to continue their efforts and achieve even greater success in the journey ahead.


In his address, Dean Liang Yongmin stated that the 458 graduates of the Class of 2023 are about to bid farewell to the campus and their mentors, embarking on a new journey in life. On behalf of the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and the entire faculty and students of the National Key Laboratory of Functional Organic Molecules Chemistry, he extended warm congratulations to the graduates. He firmly believed that the youthful vigor and the energy of their life experiences would forever be etched into the annals of history at Lanzhou University's College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Dean Liang encouraged the graduates to respond to the call of the party, carry the love for their homeland in their hearts, be willing to dedicate themselves, and write longer and more beautiful chapters in the land of their motherland. He wished the graduates to run vigorously on the track of youth, boldly explore new horizons, continuously pursue deeper knowledge, more exquisite skills, and stronger abilities, not wasting their prime years, and to chase their dreams into the future.


Finally, the graduating students sang the song "Goodbye" together on stage, bidding farewell with the hope of meeting their classmates again at the peak of their future endeavors!