In the prime of our youth, we walk this path together, whether we gather or part, our bond remains strong——The 2023 Dragon Boat Festival garden party and farewell to graduating students event was successfully held 2023

By |2023-06-19 08:42:00|Views ()

In order to inherit and promote Chinese excellent traditional culture and bid farewell to the graduating class of 2023, the Dragon Boat Festival garden party and farewell event was successfully hosted on the morning of June 18th at the front square of Jishitang on the Chengguan campus. The event was hosted by the Youth League Committee of the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and the Graduate Student Union of the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.


The event kicked off in a joyous atmosphere filled with the fragrance of zongzi and soaring songs at 9 a.m. Various activities took place simultaneously, including a quiz about Party history, drifting graduation blessings, a 'Bright Pearl' game, an eye coordination game, tower-building teamwork, ring tossing, a youth singing contest, Han Chinese Clothing experience, sachet making, and colorful rope weaving. The scene was lively and vibrant, with laughter and cheers everywhere, radiating a strong festive atmosphere. 


In the 'Party History Knowledge Quiz,' participants responded swiftly, demonstrating their dedication to learning from Party history and not forgetting their original intentions. In 'Tower Building Teamwork,' groups of five worked in harmony, relying on the strength of teamwork to achieve 'higher goals.' In 'Bright Pearl,' pairs competed while holding onto their 'original intentions,' pushing forward with determination. 'Fun Ring Toss' captured youthful memories, evoking childhood moments. The 'Youth Singing Contest' resonated with the spirit of youth through song, capturing beauty through melody. 'Drifting Graduation Blessings' expressed warm wishes for the graduating class of 2023.Participants in the event enjoyed delicious zongzi, wore colorful cords symbolizing blessings and good luck, created their own charming sachets to ward off evil and disease, and experienced the traditional Chinese culture by wearing Hanfu outfits. These entertaining activities allowed both faculty and students to relax and unwind amidst their busy academic pursuits, and also served as a special gesture of goodwill towards the graduating class of 2023.


The participants of the event donned Hanfu outfits as they strolled through the park, immersed themselves in traditional culture, engaged in fun activities, collected commemorative stamps, and exchanged campus cultural and creative souvenirs. They experienced the Dragon Boat Festival atmosphere from multiple dimensions and layers, offering a 'close-up' encounter with excellent Chinese traditional culture. This event left behind more beautiful 'Lanzhou University memories' for the soon-to-graduate students.

Coinciding with the university's campus open week, high school students and parents who visited the campus also joined the activities, experiencing the rich campus cultural life of Lanzhou University and enjoying the cultural pleasures of the Dragon Boat Festival. 
