High-Quality Party Building Promotes High-Quality Development——The College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Conducts the Third Quadrilateral Joint Construction Seminar and Exchange Activity

By |2023-06-25 08:46:00|Views ()

On June 21st, in line with the implementation of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the consolidation of intellectual resources towards national needs such as technological innovation and the in-depth integration of industry, academia, and research, the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, in collaboration with the Chemistry College of Beijing Normal University, Beijing Xinlingxian Pharmaceutical Technology Development Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Haoyuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., conducted the third quadrilateral party building exchange and industry-academia-research cooperation seminar under the theme of "High-Quality Party Building Promotes High-Quality Development" The conference was conducted in a combination of offline and online formats at the Chemistry College of Beijing Normal University, with the main leaders of the four units, party members of jointly established party branches, and some faculty and student representatives participating in the event.


The opening ceremony was hosted by Han Juan, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Chemistry College of Beijing Normal University. Mao Lanqun, the Dean of the Chemistry College of Beijing Normal University, delivered the welcoming speech.

In the first phase of party building exchange, the theme was 'Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and Thematic Education Activities.' This session was chaired by Du Shengyi, the Secretary of the Party Committee of our college. Representatives from all parties made reports and exchanged views on party building work. Professor Ding Sanyuan, the Secretary of the Organic Chemistry Faculty Party Branch at our college and a professor at the National Key Laboratory of Functional Organic Molecules Chemistry, Ju Ping, the Deputy Secretary of the Party General Branch and General Manager of the Solid Dosage Business Department at Beijing Xinlingxian Pharmaceutical, and Xu Na, the Director of the Party Committee Office and the Secretary of the Youth League Committee at the Chemistry College of Beijing Normal University, shared their experiences and insights on the party building work in their respective branches, promoting in-depth and practical thematic education.




During the breaks in the conference, the attending faculty, students, and corporate representatives visited a poster exhibition showcasing some research achievements of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Beijing Normal University. They engaged in in-depth discussions with the faculty and students present at the exhibition.





The theme of the second phase of the exchange activities was 'Discussion on the Form of New Drug R&D Industry-Academia-Research.' This session was hosted by Yan Yaodong, Vice President of Xinlingxian Pharmaceutical, and Zhang Xiang. Various participants gave special reports and engaged in discussions on the form of industry-academia-research in the new era of pharmaceuticals. Professors Wang Xiaolei, Zeng Huiying from our college, Comrade Chen Wei, Chief Scientist of LeYan at Shanghai Haoyuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Prof. Lu Zhonglin, the Secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Beijing Normal University, and Prof. Jiang Ying delivered thematic reports on topics such as 'Functional Glycan Synthesis and Application Research,' 'De-aromatization-Re-aromatization Strategy Application,' 'Case Reports on the Transformation of University Research Achievements on Company Platforms,' 'Synthesis and Performance Research of Drug Delivery Carriers,' and 'Basic Research on Brain Chemical In-situ Measurement Methods and Applications.' They also engaged in in-depth discussions on these topics.





The third phase of the discussion and exchange on high-quality development of industry-academia-research cooperation was presided over by Lu Zhonglin, the Secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Beijing Normal University. Participants from various organizations engaged in in-depth discussions on the new points of convergence in industry-academia-research cooperation based on the actual situation of their respective units, aiming to promote deep integration of industry-academia-research. Attendees discussed vigorously around the opportunities, bottlenecks, and mechanisms of university-industry collaboration, focusing on frontline issues faced by enterprises. They conducted a thorough analysis of the current challenges in promoting the deep integration of industry-academia-research and explored the construction of collaborative innovation mechanisms that cover multiple disciplinary areas horizontally and span across the industrial chain vertically, as well as the implementation of cooperation directions and supporting measures such as platform co-construction and joint projects. This discussion aimed to promote collaborative innovation between industry, academia, and research and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements to support the construction of a healthy China.



Finally, Professor Lu Zhonglin, the Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Normal University, delivered a concluding speech for this exchange activity. He expressed the hope that through this four-party collaborative discussion activity, it would promote the deep integration of the innovation chain, industry chain, funding chain, and talent chain, and jointly build an innovative ecosystem of industry-academia-research symbiosis.